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How to Count Select options in Protractor?

I want to count options in select attribute but my test gets failed here is my spec:

it('should count the number of option', function()) {



it give me Error:

C:\\wamp\\www\\First-angular-App>protractor conf.js Starting selenium standalone server... [launcher] Running 1 instances of WebDriver Selenium standalone server started at [launcher] Error: C:\\wamp\\www\\First-angular-App\\protractorSpec\\spec.js:37 it('should count the number of option',function()){ ^

Your code is malformed, here is the correct syntax:

it('should count the number of option', function () {

Alternatively, use the abstraction/wrapper around the select introduced here :

var SelectWrapper  = require('select-wrapper');
var sorting = new SelectWrapper(by.id('sorting_options'));


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