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How to create checkbox inside li dynamically using Jquery

I want to achieve following html

 <li class="default_filter"><input type="checkbox" name="someName"/></li>

I tried:

 var dome= "$('.ulContainer')";

  var li= $('<li/>').text(data[i]).appendTo(dom);

  var cbx=$('<input type='checkbox'/>').name("someName").appendTo(li);

尝试这个 :

$('.ulContainer').append('<li class="default_filter">' + data[i] + '<input type="checkbox" name="someName"/></li>');

If Javascript can do you can use below:

//loop starts here 
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.className = 'default_filter';

var inputCB =  document.createElement('input');
inputCB.type = 'checkbox';


//loop ends here.

You can use it in a loop to Make multiple li's

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