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Angularjs :- how to get funtion's response using $http.get()?

I am new in anggular js. I have a test.html page.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
<script src= "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14  /angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="customersCtrl"> 

  <tr ng-repeat="x in names">
   <!--  <td>{{ x.Name }}</td>
    <td>{{ x.Country }}</td> -->



var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('customersCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
.success(function (response) {
        //$scope.names = response.records;

category controller
namespace frontend\controllers;

use Yii;
use common\models\LoginForm;
use frontend\models\PasswordResetRequestForm;
use frontend\models\ResetPasswordForm;
use frontend\models\SignupForm;
use frontend\models\ContactForm;
use yii\base\InvalidParamException;
use yii\web\BadRequestHttpException;
use yii\web\Controller;
use yii\filters\VerbFilter;
use yii\filters\AccessControl;

 * Site controller
class CategoryController extends Controller
      * @inheritdoc
    public  $str;
    public function actionIndex(){
        Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;

        $id = 2015;

        return $id;

When i run test.html then the request(call) will go to the cust.php page and return response. Please suggest me how can i send the request to the function?

I got following error in firebug.

GET http://localhost/yii2-angular-seed-master/frontend/controllers/CategoryController/testdata

404 Not Found

"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://localhost/yii2-angular-seed-master/frontend/controllers/CategoryController/Index "

In cust.php you actually need to call the function as well

   header('Content-Type: application/json');
   function testdata(){
      $str='{"employees":[{"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"},{"firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"},{"firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones"}]}';
      return $str;
  echo testdata();

EDIT: I've had to change your $str as well, single quote surrounding keys and values are not valid, I have changed it to double quotes " which are valid.

As @charlietfl has stated it's better practice for you to json_encode your JSON response instead of writing it yourself.

You can sent your function name in post method and get the method on php page, using that you can perform functions.

app.controller('customersCtrl', function($scope, $http) {

var request = $http.post('acctUpdate.php', {fun: "testdata"});

        function( html ) {
        ); });

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