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Autolayout - view controller frame incorrect

I'm trying to figure out why the frame of my view controller (loaded from a xib) is set properly when presented via presentViewController:

self.presentViewController(testVC, animated: true, completion: nil);

...but remains at (0, 0, 600, 600) when added as a child view controller:

testVC.view.setNeedsLayout(); (makes no difference)

I have an isolated example that I can provide that demonstrates the issue more clearly. Ideas?

Try This.

testVC.view.frame=self.view.bounds//or set by CGRectMake()

It's because you forgot to give it a frame! You are saying:


But you neither apply a frame nor attach any constraints, so the view is not resized. You are now the parent. Resizing the child view is up to you . If you don't, its size is the size it had in the storyboard — 600 by 600, just as you said. It doesn't get resized by magic. You have to do it.

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