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Calling methods in Aurelia template

I want generate row like this:

<tr repeat.for="item of block.columns.items">
   <td repeat.for="columnName of $parent.block.columns.displayed">

I know that Aurelia support only simple code in template but create complex component or compose is not good idea.

Anybody know elegant solution for this task?

Answer is: use converters . Thanks @EisenbergEffect for detailed explanation how converters work

This is my solution:

// column.js
export class Column {
    constructor(name) {
        this._name = name;
    render(item) {
        return item[this._name];

// servers.js
export class Servers {
    constructor() {
        this.items = [
            {id: "00001", name: "EX40-SSD", code: "art001", host: ""},
            {id: "00003", name: "PX70-SSD", code: "md400084", host: ""},
            {id: "00004", name: "Primary Balanced Server", code: "md-primary", host: ""},
            {id: "00002", name: "ProServer Power X6", code: "triton832", host: ""},

        this.columns = new Map();
        this.columns.set('code', new Column('code'));
        this.columns.set('name', new Column('name'));
        this.columns.set('host', new Column('host'));

Then I create my custom converter render

// render.js
export class RenderValueConverter {
    toView(item, column) {
        return column.render(item);

And use all of this in the view

// servers.html
<require from="./render"></require>
<tr repeat.for="item of items">
    <td repeat.for="[columnName, column] of $parent.columns">
        ${$parent.item | render:column}

Here's what I do -

    <tr repeat.for="item of items">
      <td repeat.for="header of $parent.headers">

It appears to do what I need it to do so far.

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