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create a Jekyll GitHub blog as a subdirectory of an Organization

I want to know if creating a Jekyll GitHub blog for a particular GitHub page will associate itself with that entire GitHub entity or if it is possible to make multiple Jekyll blogs under the auspices of a single GitHub profile.

I'm part of an "Organization" on GitHub, my research group, and I want to create a blog for a particulat project following this tutorial , ie "Jekyll QuickStart: Host on GitHub in 3 Minutes".

At first I created an entirely new and seperate GitHub profile from which to host this blog, but it would be better if I could create this blog as a repository within the Organization to which I belong since most the people that need to access this blog are already associated with that organization.

But it would be suboptimal if this one blog were the only things that could be associated with the organization since the organization is involved in things other than this project as well.

So for these GitHub blogs is it 1 page/organization = 1 blog, or can we have a one to many mapping?

If you've already got a Github Pages repository set up for the organization (eg some-org.github.io ), then any additional gh-pages repository will be accessible via some-org.github.io/<repo name> .

For example, I've got the organization "SusHack", and it has a repository called sushack.github.io .

sushack.github.io serves the main domain of sushack.co.uk , and we've got a project repository under that organization with a gh-pages branch, eg https://github.com/sushack/PuppetMaster/tree/gh-pages , and it is accessible via sushack.github.io/PuppetMaster or sushack.co.uk/PuppetMaster

So to recap:

  1. Make a <orgname>.github.io repository under the Organization. In this you can create a file called CNAME to define a custom domain, or just use <orgname>.github.io .
  2. Make a repository called blog with a gh-pages branch. You can push your Jekyll codebase to this branch, and Github will build it for you
  3. Access your blog via <orgname>.github.io/blog/ .

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