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The function is missing from MBCB package

I'm using MBCB package to perform background correction for microarray data. All worked well until I tried to output the values using printMBCBOutput function (this function listed in documentation for this purposes). I've got this error:

Error: could not find function "printMBCBOutput"

I've checked if this function is in my installed MBCB package, and it is NOT:

bg.mcmc : function (iter = 500, burn = 200)  
bg.rma : function (pm, n.pts = 2^14)  
mbcb.correct : function (g, control, npBool = TRUE, rmaBool = FALSE, mleBool = FALSE, bayesBool = FALSE, 
    gmleBool = FALSE, iter = 500, burn = 200, isRawBead = FALSE)  
mbcb.gui : function ()  
mbcb.main : function (signal, control, npBool = TRUE, rmaBool = FALSE, mleBool = FALSE, bayesBool = FALSE, 
    gmleBool = FALSE, paramEstFile = "param-est", bgCorrectedFile = "bgCorrected", iter = 500, 
    burn = 200, normMethod = "none", isRawBead = FALSE) 

Can anyone suggest why this function is missing from MBCB package and what can be done to fix this, please?

I'm using R-3.2.1 on Ubuntu

The printMBCBOutput() function is not showing up the MBCB package because it does not appear to be part of this package, at least not according to the recent PDF documentation available by typing browseVignettes("MBCB") in the R console.

My hypothesis is that you were using this documentation to go by, which does mention printMBCBOutput() but is only version 1.16.0 . However, the package which I installed from this source appears to be version 1.20.0 . I believe the function in question has been removed from the package in the version we were all testing.

That being said, my guess is that you won't need this function to do what you need. I suspect that the interface you listed in your OP will either have incorporated the functionality previously contained in printMBCBOutput or there are other R packages which can do this.

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