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Cannot trigger click on element in jQuery

I have some element in a web page that I want to simulate a click on. Other elements in the same page can be easily clicked by the following logic:


But if I try this with a specific element, it doesn't work. I tried to add a click handler to the element that cannot be clicked, to see if the reverse was possible= Catching the a click instead of triggering one :

$('.someClass').on('click', function (event) {
   console.log('element was clicked');

It worked. This means: The selector is correct and the element exists in the DOM. But why has my click no effect?

I tried the following all without no success:

Clicking the position where the element is located:

function simulateClick(x, y) {
    $(document.elementFromPoint(x, y)).click();

var element = $('.someClass')[0];
var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(),
    elemRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
    voffset   = elemRect.top - bodyRect.top;
    hoffset = elemRect.left - bodyRect.left;

console.log('Element is ' + voffset + ' vertical pixels from <body>');
console.log('Element is ' + hoffset + ' horizontal pixels from <body>');
simulateClick(hoffset, voffset);

First unbinding from all events:


Using vanilla JS to click:


It's obvious to me that the page somehow blocks and prevents all clicks on this element , but how can I find the mechanism which is responsible for that? The site uses obfuscated JS and I have no idea how to circumvent it?

Any ideas? (The client side is in my realm after all^^)

The event is probably not bound via jquery, but on the element. I'm not sure how that is, but this didn't work for me:


but this did:


Add a click handler to the elements that you want to simulate a click on.

$('.myelementsclass').bind('click', function() { 

Then use your logic to trigger the click:


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