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Handle the selector parameter in swift

Let's say I declare a function in my CustomTimer class:

class CustomTimer {

    class func scheduledTimerWithSelector(aSelector: Selector) -> CustomTimer {
     // aSelector ??

How can I handle this aSelector parameter?

Like the NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval method, how dose it work?

You should check the Selector structure. From the apple docs:

In Swift, Objective-C selectors are represented by the Selector structure. You can construct a selector with a string literal, such as let mySelector: Selector = "tappedButton:". Because string literals can be automatically converted to selectors, you can pass a string literal to any method that accepts a selector.

Selector function with Swift :

func selectorFunc(aSel:Selector){
    if self.respondsToSelector(aSel){
        NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.1, target: self, selector: aSel, userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

func gooleIt(){

Function Call :


Hope it help you.

You can declare a method with a selector like this and you can call it by creating a UIControl because performSelector methods are not available in Swift:

func methodWithSelector(sel:Selector) {
        var control = UIControl()
        control.sendAction(sel, to: self, forEvent: nil)

If you do not need to call it on the main thread another option is like this:

func methodWithSelector(sel:Selector) {
    NSThread.detachNewThreadSelector(sel, toTarget: self, withObject: nil)

You will call it like this:


or like this


then you must have a method with the name of the selector

func methodCall() {

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