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change directory error with Powershell

I started going through The Command Line Crash Course by Zed Shaw and I'm in the Change Directory lesson. When I type in cd../../ pwd an error comes up:

the term cd is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file or operable program

I'm not sure what this means and also in this context. I know I typed in something it doesn't recognize but it seems like this is something it is supposed to recognize. My current theory is that it is reading into a blank space but that's not what the error message reads. So I am a little lost.


Are you missing a space between cd and ../../ ?

Also pwd is a separate command and should be entered separately after you run cd

cd ../../      # this changes the current working directory to its parent's parent (goes up two levels)
pwd            # this displays the current working directory (the original directory's parent's parent)

So for example:

C:\users\you\dir1\dir2\dir3> cd ../../
C:\users\you\dir1> pwd

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