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Angularjs Html with CSS with in the TAG

I am trying to insert HTML inside template using ng-bind-html attribute and $sce dependency in the controller . But for some reason its not working as expected it's not able to display Country Flags. I am able to inspect and see the flag code values are coming but flags are not able to display in the drop down when I implementing in My Project Thanks in advance. My code:


<ui-select ng-model="payment.baseCurrency"  name="baseCurrency" class="currency" required data-ng-change="determinePaymentMethods()" theme="select2" >
                    <ui-select-match placeholder="{{'Select' | translate}}"><flag country="{{$select.selected.flagCode}}" size="16"></flag> {{$select.selected.code}} {{$select.selected.name}}
                    <ui-select-choices repeat="baseCurrency in baseCurrencies track by baseCurrency.flagCode | searchFilter:{name:$select.search}" >
                      <flag country="baseCurrency.flagCode" size="16"   ng-bind-html=" toTrusted($index) +' '+ baseCurrency.code +' '+ baseCurrency.name |highlight: $select.search"></flag>

In Controller

$scope.toTrusted = function(length) {
    var country = $scope.baseCurrencies[length].flagCode;
    return $sce.trustAsHtml('<span class="flag '+country+'"></span>');

In your ui-select-choices line you need to use ng-repeat instead of just repeat .

<ui-select-choices ng-repeat="baseCurrency in baseCurrencies track by baseCurrency.flagCode | searchFilter:{name:$select.search}" >

That will probably fix your code.

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