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Laravel - Guzzle Request / cURL error 6: Could not resolve host

I try to make an API Request to the Github API just for testing. I installed the latest Guzzle Version ( "guzzle/guzzle": "^3.9" ) on my Laravel 5.1 APP. In my routes.php i have the following Code:

Route::get('guzzle/{username}', function($username) {
    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'https://api.github.com/users/',
    $response = $client->get("/users/$username");

If i now visit the URL domain.dev/github/kayyyy i get the Error cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: users .

Why am i getting this Error?

If i visit https://api.github.com/users/kayyyy i can see the json output.

I am also using Homestead / Vagrant is this maybe a Problem that the host cant be resolved?

EDIT If i try this without the base_uri it works.

Route::get('guzzle/{username}', function($username) {
   $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
    $response = $client->get("https://api.github.com/users/$username");

Why are you calling $client->get->()->send() ? In particular, why are you chaining the send() method at the end? The documentation does not append the send() method when demonstrating what seems to be the same action:


Also, did you consider the implications of this statement on the above-cited manual page?

When a relative URI is provided to a client, the client will combine the base URI with the relative URI using the rules described in RFC 3986, section 2.

Actually a variable interpolation is not possible within single quotes. This means that you currently are calling users/$username and the $username variable gets not replaced with its value.

In order to get it, you should use it in one of the following ways:

$response = $client->get("users/$username")->send();
$response = $client->get('users/' . $username)->send();

I personally prefer the second one as it is assumed to be faster.

Okay i solved it, stupid mistake by me. I used new Client .

And it should be of course new GuzzleHttp\\Client

As it is just for testing in my routes.php i did not the Namespace

Thanks for your help everybody.

Thanks to Paratron https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client/issues/1184#issuecomment-355295789 In my case, on cakephp 3.8 & docker 19.03.5, I was facing curl error due to some network issue. I restarted my cake-server docker container, & it worked like a charm.

Your Laravel installer is very out of date. The only way to get the latest version is to remove and install again:

  1. composer global remove laravel/installer
  2. composer global require laravel/installer

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