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Golang and HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript (ANDROID apps)

Is there a way to integrate golang and HTML5 / Javascript to create mobile apps? I was going through

https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/mobile/app https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile

It seems that only OpenGL can be used currently for UI.
I am new to android app development, but for hybrid apps a chrome instance is launched using java, which renders the HTML pages and runs the JavaScript. Is there a similar way to achieve the same using Golang ?

您可以使用GopherJS transpiler从Golang到JS和GOCO

gobind it possible to call Go functions from Java and Objective-C. https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gobind

You can write a plugin for cordova. It can call Go functions.

Cordova can help you to build hybrid app with HTML5/JavaScript.

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