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can I produce a figure caption in r markdown with eval=false?

If I have the MWE:


title: "Example"
    fig_caption: yes


Text text text

```{r fig.cap="Figure 1. Some random numbers",eval=FALSE}

then I do not get a caption. But if I do:

title: "Example"
    fig_caption: yes

Text text text

```{r fig.cap="Figure 1. Some random numbers"}

ie remove eval=FALSE then the caption no longer loads.

why I wish to do this?

I want to put example bits of code into my document. the code won't actually work, hence why I want to supress it. Something like


title: "Example"
    fig_caption: yes

Text text text

```{r fig.cap="Figure 1. Some random numbers",eval=FALSE}
for (i in 1:length(c){
#do something

where I am merely demonstrating a for loop, but not actually running the code.

As far as I know, knitr doesn't support captions for code by default. The easiest way to label your code blocks would be to add an explanation below the box in the markdown.

If you must have captions in the r code, you can use chunk hooks . Here's an example for your case:

title: "Example"
    fig_caption: yes

knit_hooks$set(wrapper = function(before, options, envir) {
  if (!before) {

```{r comment="Figure 1. Some random numbers",wrapper=TRUE,eval=FALSE}
for (i in 1:length(c){
#do something

We have defined a hook ( wrapper ), where if we call wrapper=TRUE in any chunk options, the comment argument is printed below.

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