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jquery grabbing all items from dom class, with stopPropagation already implemented

I have an issue at:


it is hard to see from the fiddle, but when I click on one of the pink boxes the url is http://fake-factory.readthedocs.org/en/latest/providers/internet.htmlhttps://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/factoryboy/latest/factoryboy.pdf , or http://fake-factory.readthedocs.org/en/latest/providers/internet.html + https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/factoryboy/latest/factoryboy.pdf .

Based on an earlier issue, I tried to stop propagation through the page several ways, last of which were:




the problem is relating to:

      window.location = $( "article" ).find( ".url-text" ).text();

which is nice that it grabs links, but if I had 5 links on the page, it will concatonate all 5 into 1. I tried to turn each box into a link to the specific article url to make it easy to use. Why is "stopPropogation" broken in this case? Thank you

What is happening is it is collating all the text from all your .article-link rather than trying with this div that is clicked

//your code with $('article')
    window.location = $( "article" ).find( ".url-text" ).text();

use $(this) instead

   window.location = $( this ).find( ".url-text" ).text();

Should do the trick...

***** oh yes and remove the extra click listeners






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