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Twig Error Runtime: Impossible to invoke a method('somemethod') on a null variable

I recently updated my app from Symfony 1.4 to Symfony 2.7. Using the template code below, I have no problem when displaying the old data that are already save from the database.However, I noticed that when a user create a new data by filling form, twig will throw errors when displaying it in browser.The error tells

Impossible to invoke a method ("getProvince") on a null variable in DuterteBundle:Voters:index.html.twig at line 40

Actually the new data will successfully saved in the database but displaying it will throw the error.If I delete the said data, Twig will just work fine.Any Idea on how to fix this?


<td>{{ entity.getCity() }}</td>
<td>{{ entity.City.getProvince() }}</td>//this where the error comes when adding new data by filling the form


        targetEntity: City
        inversedBy: voters
            name:  city_id
            referencedColumnName: id
        orphanRemoval: false 


        targetEntity: Province
        cascade: {  }
        mappedBy: null
        inversedBy: city
                referencedColumnName: id
        orphanRemoval: false
        targetEntity: Voters
        mappedBy: city


        targetEntity: City
        mappedBy: province






 * Set city
 * @param \Project\Bundle\DuterteBundle\Entity\City $city
 * @return Voters
public function setCity(\Project\Bundle\DuterteBundle\Entity\City $city = null)
    $this->city = $city;

    return $this;

 * Get city
 * @return \Project\Bundle\DuterteBundle\Entity\City 
public function getCity()
    return $this->city;


 * @var \Project\Bundle\DuterteBundle\Entity\Province
private $province;

 * Set province
 * @param \Project\Bundle\DuterteBundle\Entity\Province $province
 * @return City
public function setProvince(\Project\Bundle\DuterteBundle\Entity\Province $province = null)
    $this->province = $province;

    return $this;

 * Get province
 * @return \Project\Bundle\DuterteBundle\Entity\Province 
public function getProvince()
    return $this->province;

Try to check first if city exist. This should work

<td>{% if entity.city %}{{ entity.City.getProvince() }}{% endif %}</td>

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