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SQLite net with linq on Windows Phone 8.1

Suppose I have following table:

public class User

    public User()
    public User(string name, string pass)
        addUser(name, pass);

    public void addUser(string name, string pass)
        //todo cryptography
        this.login = name;
        this.password = pass;

    [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
    public int ID { get; set; }
    [Unique, MaxLength(20)]
    public string login { get; set; }
    private string password { get; set; }
    public string group { get; set; }
  1. I have unique keyword in login field. If I add another person with same login, exception will be thrown or this insert command will be skiped?
  2. What is a best way to get user name from User table? To get all users depending on some name condition I use this example function for my test purpose.

      public async void GetRow(string name) { var query = dbConnection.Table<User>().Where(x => x.login.Contains(name)); var result = await query.ToListAsync(); foreach (var item in result) { User u = item as User; MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog(u.login); await msgbox.ShowAsync(); } } 

Suppose I want to get only 1 record from Users table based on a given name, what would be best way to do that. I tried something like this:

from u in dbConection.Table<User> select u.Login where u.Login = name;
  1. How to return from GetRow function described in 2 question user password? I can recieve only list of items, I search on the web and I find FirstOrDefault function but is there any better way to do it?


ad 1. Throws exception

ad 2.This works only if record exists in table, in other case throws exception

 var query = (from s in dbConnection.Table<User>() where s.login == name && s.password == password select s).FirstAsync();  
    User qr = query.Result;

I find solution. This is a simple validation function. Thank You for Your help.

                var query = (from s in dbConnection.Table<User>() where s.login == name && s.password == password select s).FirstAsync();
                User x = await query;

                if (x != null) return true;
                else return false;                
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
var some_strings = new List<string> {"Szcz","epan"};
string first_string = some_strings.FirstOrDefault();
//first_string = "szcz";

some_strings = new List<string>();
first_string = some_strings.FirstOrDefault();
//first_string = null;
if (first_string != null)
    // do your stuff here.

if you were dealing with Int 's, then the default would have been zero. IF it's a custom class, it'll be whatever your default for the class is.

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