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Error 404 when trying to access a controller in CodeIgniter

I'm trying to access a CodeIgniter controller and I'm getting a 404 error. In my computer, I can access .../index.php/apadrinhamentoController/padrinhosPossiveis

but when uploaded to the server, I can just access the index file, in the site.com/apadrinhamento/index.php and not site.com/apadrinhamento/index.php/apadrinhamentoController (Get 404 error).

apadrinhamentoController.php File

class apadrinhamentoController extends CI_Controller{
public function __construct() {
public function index() {

index.php file is default from CodeIgniter

I'm not using a .htaccess on /apadrinhamento

First of all you should understand, Codeigniter != CakePHP . Means you no need to define controller_name + Controller word.

class apadrinhamento extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct() 
    public function index() 
        echo 'Im index of your function';

    public function my_method() 
        echo 'I jsut access my_Method';


and in config/routes.php

$route['default_controller'] = "";//Default Controller Name
$route['404_override'] = '';


to access your controller(above)

site.com/apadrinhamento/ //this will access index() function

if you want to access the method inside it(URL Should be)


Note if you not place .htaccess then url should be site.com/index.php/apadrinhamento/

问题是在CodeIgniter v3.0中,我们需要编写以大写字母开头的控制器文件名。

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