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Conditional jinja2 ipaddr filter in ansible task

I'm trying to apply a task to hosts based on ip block so I've got this.

- name: Conditional task
  debug: msg="{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | ipaddr('') | length > 0 }}"
  when: { ansible_all_ip4_addresses | ipaddr('') | length > 0 }

The debug statement is working as expected, returning the correct value for each host, but the condition is not working, it gets executed in all hosts. If I remove the brackets in the when clause, then I get

 ERROR! error while evaluating conditional

I've tried to define a fact with:

    - set_fact:
      local: "{{ ansible_all_ip4_addresses | ipaddr('') | length > 0 }}"

But instead I get

 ERROR! One or more undefined variables: 'ansible_all_ip4_addresses' is undefined

Any help greatly appreciated

You got a typo there. ansible_all_ip4_addresses has to be ansible_all_ipv4_addresses , the v before 4 is missing.

Apart from that it would work with none or 2 curly brackets, but not with one:

when: ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | ipaddr('') | length > 0


when: "{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | ipaddr('') | length > 0 }}"

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