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git push remote ssh using Nodegit, Not working?

Hi I am trying to do a git push origin master command with the help of Nodegit , but it is resulting in an error,

var Git = require('nodegit');
function gitRemoteLookUp(repoPath) {
var open = Git.Repository.open;
var Remote = Git.Remote;    
    return Remote.lookup(repo, "origin");
    var ref = "refs/heads/master:remotes/origin/master";                
    var firstPass = true;
    var options = {
      callbacks: {
        credentials: function(url, userName) {
          if (firstPass) {
            firstPass = false;
            if (url.indexOf("https") === -1) {                  
              return Git.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent('XYZ');
            } else {                    
                return Git.Cred.userpassPlaintextNew('XYZ', "XYZ");
          } else {
            return Git.Cred.defaultNew();
        certificateCheck: function() {
          return 1;
    return remote.push(ref, options);

I am using our internal ssh github server, which from the git Bash, for each push is asking for Username and Password.

Hence in hence in the code I have used the similar example as mentioned in the github site and also in the test site .

Pls help on this !!!!!!

I have found the answer to my own question,

The confusion lies in the SSH server and generic server,

i found two awesome post in the past nodegit questions,

var remote;
var repository;
function gitRemoteLookUp(repoPath) {
    var open = Git.Repository.open;     
        repository = repo;
        return repo.getRemote('origin');
        remote = remoteResult;          
              credentials: function(url, userName) {
                  // return Git.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent(userName);
                  return Git.Cred.userpassPlaintextNew('XYZ', "XYZ");

        return remote.connect(Git.Enums.DIRECTION.PUSH);
    }).then(function() {
      console.log('remote Connected?', remote.connected())

      return remote.push(
                "Push to master")
    }).then(function() {
        console.log('remote Pushed!')
    .catch(function(reason) {

The main issue lies in configuring the credentials in the Nodegit Library. Pls be careful in checking whether it is a SSH key based push or whether it works well with generic userpassPainTestNow mode. I have commented both the scenarios out there. These links turned out to be really useful for troubleshooting this. Nodegit: How to modify a file and push the changes? https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit/issues/463

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