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Print part of the web page with CSS

I am working on a page, where the user may click a button and print some important information on the page.

Basic page structure is like:


    <div id="printContent"></div>



And the desired behavior is: when the page is being printed, only the contents inside "printContent" should be printed.

Before I used js code to do it by temporarily replacing the body with whatever is inside printContent, but this seems to slow down the page a bit when user gets out of the printing options pop-up. (The temporary content will occupy the whole page for a few seconds or some of the buttons and links become non-responsive for a few seconds.) So after referring to the second answer here: How do I print part of a rendered HTML page in JavaScript?

I used something like this:

@media print {
  body * {

  body #printContent {

But when printing, the printContent part is still invisible. Did I do anything wrong here? Thanks.

EDIT: My bad, it is not the second answer from the link, the second "Highest upvoted answer", namely the one with 15 upvotes.

Okay, might be a lot of sub elements getting affected too. Try this:

@media print {
  body * {

  body #printContent {

  body #printContent * {

Technically, you are resetting the display for the inner contents too. Do you understand? When you give the global selector body * , it also hides the inner components. So just unhiding the parent #printContent will not be sufficient to unhide the children of it. To avoid all these hassles, you can do something like this if the #printContent is a direct descendant of body :

@media print {
  body > * {

  body > #printContent {

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