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How to get the variable name in a function call?

Sorry for my poor English but I can not think of a title that could concisely describe my problem, which is a little bit complicated than the title suggests.

Here is what I'd like to achieve:

In the global environment, one can get the name of a variable, say xyz , by calling deparse(substitute(xyz)) . I need to use this at several places in my code so I decided to make it a function: getVarName <- function(x){deparse(substitute(x))} .

Then I write some function myfunc in which I need to call getVarName :

myfunc <- function(x){cat(getVarName(x))}

Now here is the problem: when I call myfunc(y) , instead of printing out y , it still prints out x . I suspect it has something to do with the environment in which substitute() does the trick, but got no luck in that direction.

What do I have to do to make it right?

PS It'll be nice if some could edit the title with a better description of this question, thank you!

From what I saw while testing your code, it appears that deparse(substitute(x)) will only print out the name of the variable which was immediately below it in the call stack. In your example:

getVarName <- function(x){ deparse(substitute(x)) }
myfunc <- function(x){ cat(getVarName(x)) }

The call to getVarName() is processing a variable from myfunc() which was called x . In effect, the variable y which you passed is not part of the call stack anymore.


Just use deparse(substitute(x)) directly in the function where you want to print the name of the variable. It's concise, and you could justify not having a helper function as easily as having one.

It is typically the kind of functional programmming problem where you can use a decorator:

decorator = function(f)

foo = function(x,y,z=2) paste0(x,y,z)
superFoo = decorator(foo)


> xx=34 
> superFoo('bigwhale',xx)
[1] "bigwhale"


[1] "bigwhale342"

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