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Google Maps SDK on older iOS Versions

I'm very new to maps and I've been following this Google Maps tutorial here .

My app is running perfectly on iOS 8 but crashes on older versions.

I'm pretty sure this problem is with the following line in my Podfile.

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.1'  <-- this line
pod 'GoogleMaps'

Is it just a case of changing this platform to 7.0 if I want it to run on older versions of iOS?

This will involve me having to remove the SDKs and start from scratch, right?

Is there a way to fix this issue, without having to re-install all these SDKs... that was a lot of effort for a newbie like me.

Updating it wont be a huge task. all you have to do is use 7.0 instead of 8.1 OR remove that line altogether...

Save your podfile and just run the following command in your terminal..

pod update

And you are done...

All the best.

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