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WatchKit App won't compile: "error: WatchKit Extension doesn't contain any WatchKit apps"

There are several posts on this issue but none of the proposed solutions work in my case. I am trying to integrate the WatchKit into a simple, sample app (I've tried a couple now) by following the instructions provided by Apple. When I compile I get the following error message:

"error: WatchKit Extension doesn't contain any WatchKit apps. Verify that the value of WKWatchKitApp in your WatchKit App's Info.plist is set to YES."

I have successfully compiled and run the Apple Watch "Catalog" example so I know things are working from an iPhone to Watch perspective. It seems like something is not right when I try to integrate with an existing app. I have seen the posts here on this topic (eg WatchKit app wont run on simulator ) but none of the fixes work in my case; the bundle IDs all appear to be correct. Note I am trying to compile and run on an iPhone 6 not on the simulator. Any suggestions?

This error occurred for me when I changed the bundle id of my main iOS App. This is what I did in the project explorer

  1. Under WatchApp --> plist

    WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier ==> Give the id of the iOS App (com.xxxx.appname)

  2. Under WatchApp Extension --> plist NSExtension-->NSExtensionAttributes-->WKAppBundleIdentifier ==> Give the id of your watchkit app (eg: com.xxxx.appname.watchkitapp)

this fixed the error for me.

I ran into this problem on XCode Version 10.2 (10E125) , i realizes when i changed WatchkitApp Bundle identifier one key in watchkitapp extension did not changed and stayed as old bundle identifier.

the path to plist: /Users/.../YourXcodeProjectFolder/Project/YourWatchkitExtensionFolder/info.plist

the problem occurd here:


the key WKAppBundleIdentifier was made the problem, so i changed it by my self.

I noticed this on Xcode version 8.2.1. Here is how I fixed it.

Go to "WatchKit App" -> Build Settings -> Packaging -> Product Name

Change it so any string different from current string. Agreed that it is a bizarre solution as called in the link below.

Source: https://blogofpuneet.wordpress.com/2015/05/02/xcode-build-error-watchkit-extension-doesnt-contain-any-watchkit-apps-verify-that-the-value-of-wkwatchkitapp-in-your-watchkit-apps-info-plist-is-set-to-yes/

Main reasons to this error,

1 Incorrect watch app bundle id in watchkit extension plist file.

  1. Missing dependancy of watchapp.app in watchkit extension target.

Apple document with catalag example may help https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2410/_index.html

Below settings worked for me

  • In Main App Info.plist

Bundle identifier:com.domain.WatchKit-table

  • In Watchkit App Info.plist


Bundle identifier:com.domain.WatchKit-table. watchkitapp

  • WatchKit Extension Info.plist

NSExtension>NSExtensionAttributes>WKAppBundleIdentifier: com.domain.WatchKit-table.watchkitapp

Bundle identifier:com.domain.WatchKit-table. watchkitapp.watchkitextension

Note: my bundle id has * as the third component. WatchKit-table is my project name

I noticed this with xcode 10.0 after changing the build number.

Cleaning the build folder, closing xcode, and re-opening worked for me.

In my case I had problem with building of the extension library. In fact it was not built and I had two errors: 1. From linker about absense of the extension library. 2. From Xcode about "missing" NSExtensionPointIdentifier key.

Fix of linking error also fixed this message.

I'm using Xamarin and Visual Studio (on the PC). I had this issue, but none of the fixes above worked. Much like the XCode fix, however, restarting Visual Studio turned out to be the answer. /sigh

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