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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined

I am new to Extjs. I am trying to destroy my component.

To achieve this, I am trying to pass my component name using the getCmp method.I am unsure how to pass the id.

This is my component id -

Ext.tab.Panel{itemId: "sportsSeenTabPanels", id:"panel-117"}

providing my code below

if (ball.Desktop.isConfigured()) {
        ball.Desktop.onMainContentDestroy(function() {

The following is the error I receive -

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined

if you make a component/panel like this :

  title: 'panel Parent',
  id: 'parentID',
  items: [
      xtype: 'panel',
      title: 'child panel',
      id: 'childID',
      itemId: 'childItemID'

you can select component using : Ext.getCmp('childID') or Ext.getCmp('parentID').down('#childItemID');

As S Rifai suggested, you should use the relatively new EXT JS syntax for your components (introduced in the version 4,5 and 6) rather than the EXT JS 3 syntax.

Nonetheless Ext.getCmp('myComponentId').destroy(); works. You made a typo in your code at this line :


'id' is the name of the tag, replace it with its value : 'panel-117'


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