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Too many queries per page

I'm using Yii2 and Yii2's standard way to fetch data from database. Using also JOINs, it takes 23 queries to fetch 90 rows + some other stuff loaded with the page.

But when I start showing data in table, it becomes critical. Every row has multiple pictures and I take only one picture to show. That's when number of queries go above 100.

This is how I fetch that one image:

Table1::find()->where(['IDauction'=>$ID])->limit(1)->orderBy('ID ASC')->one();

Very simple query, but when I have 90 rows and each row execute this query it goes above 100 per page. I'm not sure how to fix this, because when I show all data using relations number of queries go above 500. For example I fetch user's profile image also and that image is in different table.

This is how I do it currently

$query = Auction::find();
$query->joinWith(['relationIDpigeon', 'relationIDuser']);
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
    'query' => $query,
    'sort'=> ['defaultOrder' => ['start_time'=>SORT_DESC]],//newest first

Your query isn't written correctly. Also you should set up your relations in Yii. That way you can reference related tables and row.

Your query should look like this

$result = Table1::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('IDauction' =>$ID),array('order'=>'ID ASC','limit'=> 1));

And referencing related fields like this

$related_rows = $result->related_rows;

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