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Boosting Starts with and contains search using Elastic/NEST

I am doing a wildcard search as below and I want to have the starts with(her*) results to have more ranking than the contains( her ) search results. Is there a way to achieve this?

elasticClient.Search<ClientSearchContract>(p => 
                p.Query(q => q
                    .Bool(bq => bq
                        .Should(mq => mq.QueryString(qs =>
                    qs.Query(her* *her*))
                .Sort(x => x.OnField("_score").Descending())

Here is something that could help you :

            var result = elasticClient.Search<ClientSearchContract>(q => q
            .Query(qq =>
                QueryContainer startsQuery = null;
                QueryContainer containQuery = null;
                    startsQuery |= qq.QueryString(qs => qs.OnFields(f => f.Field).Query("her*").Boost(2));
                    containQuery |= qq.QueryString(qs => qs.OnFields(f => f.Field).Query("*her*").Boost(1.2));

                return startsQuery || containQuery;
            .Sort(x => x.OnField("_score").Descending())

We use custom score scripts for this purpose. In JSON it looks like this:

        "query": *query* ,
        "params" : 
            "streetMultiply": " + ((!searchQuery.HasCityValue()) ? 100 : 0) + @",
            "addressMultiply": " + ((!searchQuery.HasStreetValue()) ? 100 : 0) + @"
        ,"script": "if (doc['streetId'].value == 0) { _score * streetMultiply } else { if (doc['addressId'].value == 0) { _score * addressMultiply } else { _score } }"
}, "size": 100 }"

We don't use NEST for this, but I've found a pull-requst for implementation this in NEST

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