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Set select value in gsp


     def abbrev = [:]
        List<Expando> abbreviations = abbrev.collect{
          abbreviation -> Expando.newInstance(key:abbreviation.key,value:abbreviation.value)

            def row = [:]
            def programRows = [ ]

    somelist.each {
              item -> row = [key1:value1, key2,value2 ]
                programRows << row

[abbreviations:abbreviations, programRows:programRows ]

I iterate through programRows so i get a map ( programRow ). the map value1 is equivalent to a key in abbreviations ( List of Expandos ) so i want to set the select value based on this: i commented the option value so you can understand what value i want to assign.

View gsp:

    <g:each in="${programRows}" var="programRow">
   <g:select name="abbrevs" from="${abbreviations}" optionValue="//programRow.get('key1')//" optionKey="key" class="vfuCourseAbbreviations"/>

How can i do this??

I'd put your code so:

def someAction(){
  def abbreviations = [ 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV' ]
  def programRows = somelist.collect {
    [ key1:value1, key2:value2 ] // as "value1" you have to pass the index in "abbreviations"
  [ abbreviations:abbreviations, programRows:programRows ]

the GSP:

<g:each in="${programRows}" var="programRow">     
  <select name="abbrevs">
    <g:each in="${abbreviations}" var="abbr" status="i">
      <option value="${i}" ${i == programRow.key1 ? 'selected' : ''}>${abbr}</option>

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