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Equivalent of the GetTempPath on Windows Phone

I am compiling a third party library libkml for Windows Universal App. And I notice that the following Win32 API is not available on anything but WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP .

The following is from fileapi.h :


    _In_ DWORD nBufferLength,
    _Out_writes_to_opt_(nBufferLength, return + 1) LPWSTR lpBuffer

Does anyone know the equivalent function for this GetTempPath for Windows Store App and Windows Phone App?

Here is an example GetTemporaryDirectory() wrapper function taken from the following MSDN blog article about " Writing shared code for Windows Store and Win32 desktop apps ":

Dual-use Coding Techniques for Games, part 3 .

void GetTemporaryDirectory( wchar_t* dir, size_t maxsize )
    if ( !maxsize ) return;
    *dir = 0;
    DWORD nChars = GetTempPath( maxsize, dir );
    if ( nChars > 0 )
        dir[nChars-1] = '\0'; // Trim trialing '\'
        *dir = 0;
    #else // Windows Store WinRT app
    auto folder = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->TemporaryFolder;
    wcscpy_s( dir, maxsize, folder->Path->Data() );

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