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Access HTML DOM from Javascript file (Meteor)

I'm not sure if this is a good question or even a right approach but I'm just wondering how I could possibly disable a button from my JS file using Meteor.

I attempted

$("#button").disabled = true;

And it didn't work. I'm not sure if this is the right approach or not. I thought of maybe creating a function under a script tag in my HTML file but I thought that would seem redundant considering I have a JS file which represents my model so I was just attempting on figuring out if I can access HTML tags from that file.

Here's the code:

Users = new Mongo.Collection("user-info");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
  var myApp = angular.module('calorie-counter',['angular-meteor']);

  myApp.controller('formCtrl',['$scope',function($scope) {


  $scope.submit = function() {

  $scope.clear = function() {
    $scope.user = {



First, I'm not angularjs user. But your code must to run template render after. try to change your code like below. (Note: "yourTemplate" change to yours)

Users = new Mongo.Collection("user-info");

if (Meteor.isClient) {

  Template.yourTemplate.onRendered(function() {

    var myApp = angular.module('calorie-counter', ['angular-meteor']);

    myApp.controller('formCtrl', ['$scope',
      function($scope) {
        $("#button").disabled = true;


        $scope.submit = function() {
          Meteor.call("submit", $scope.user);

        $scope.clear = function() {
          $scope.user = {
            item1: '',
            item2: '',
            calories: '',
            goal: ''



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