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C# Factory for generic inheritance

I apologize for this rather fundamental question, however, I could find no documentation. Perhaps because I do not know the proper terminology.

Class structure:

class D{}

abstract class A<T>{}
class B<T> : A<T> {}
class C : B<D> {}

I attempt to create a factory method returning C, while the overall return type must be A. Unfortunately this implementation will produce a compiletime error, altough the inheritance structure seems to be consummately covariant.

public A<T> FactoryMethod()
   return new C();

More specifically, I am trying to implement a factory, able to produce all three classes based on a input value, while the generic capability has to be obtained.

public A<T> FactoryMethod(int i, Type K)
   if(i == 1)
      return new A<K>():

   if(i == 2)
      return new B<K>():

   if(i == 3)
      return new C():


I have to create three objects as follows.

A<string> first = FactoryMethod(1, string);
A<int> second = FactoryMethod(2, int);
A<int> third = FactoryMethod(3, int);

In the scope of the class containing FactoryMethod , T is meaningless. You need to specify the generic parameter of A in order to use it as a type.

In this case, because C is B<D> , and B<D> is A<D> , then you would use A<D> as the return type.

For your second question, if you make the factory method generic I think you can get what you want.

public class A<T> {}

public class B<T> : A<T> {}

public class C : B<D> {}

public class D {}

public class Test
    public static A<T> FactoryMethod<T>(int i)
       if(i == 1)
          return new A<T>();
       if(i == 2)
          return new B<T>();
       if(i == 3)
          return (A<T>)(object)new C();
       return null;

    public static void Main()
        A<string> first = FactoryMethod<string>(1);
        A<int> second = FactoryMethod<int>(2);
        A<D> third = FactoryMethod<D>(3);

Because C ( A<D> ) isn't assignable to some A<T> (the compiler doesn't know that you'll always pass 3 when T is D ) this isn't type-safe.

C is a sub class of the bound type A<D> . So the following is valid:

public A<D> FactoryMethod()
   return new C();

since we can safely say that C is a A<D> . However C is not a generic type and cannot be converted to the open type A<T> where T is a generic argument since T could be any type.

However the following is valid:

public A<T> FactoryMethod()
   return new B<T>();

Since B<T> is an open generic type as well and any B<T> is an A<T> .

Based on your update, you could write your factory method as:

public A<T> FactoryMethod<T>(int i)
   if(i == 1)
      return new A<T>():
   if(i == 2)
      return new B<T>():
   if(i == 3) 
      return (A<T>)(object)new C():
      // The cast to object gets rid of compile time checking,
      // but will throw an InvalidCastExceptoin if T is not D

This is a bit ugly with that weird hack for case 3. Then you would call it as:

A<string> first = FactoryMethod<string>(1);
A<int> second = FactoryMethod<int>(2);
A<int> third = FactoryMethod<int>(3); // InvalidCastException!

Given this:

class D{}

class A<T>{}
class B<T> : A<T> {}
class C : B<D> {}
enum openT
    level1, level2

I think that you might be looking for this:

public A<T> FactoryMethod<T>(openT i)
   if(i == openT.level1)
      return new A<T>():

   if(i == openT.level2)
      return new B<T>():


public A<D> FactoryMethod()
    return new C():

public static void Main()
    A<string> first = OpenFactoryMethod<string>(1);
    A<int> second = OpenFactoryMethod<int>(2);
    A<D> third = FactoryMethod();

Note that A cannot be abstract since you are trying to construct it.

I'm failing to see what you are really trying to accomplish here though, since C is a closed type, and therefore your factory method will never make sense for it.


The following might be closer to what you are looking for:

public TAofT FactoryMethod<TAofT, T>() where TAofT : A<T>, new()
    return new TAofT():

public static void Main()
    A<string> first = FactoryMethod<A<string>, string>();
    A<int> second = FactoryMethod<B<int>, int>();
    A<D> third = FactoryMethod<C, D>();

But the factory method then seems redundant, since you could just do:

public static void Main()
    A<string> first = new A<string>();
    A<int> second = new B<int>();
    A<D> third = new C();


Unless what you really want is this:

public abstract class AEnum<T, T3> where T3 : B<T>, new()
    private static Func<A<T>> factoryMethod;

    public static readonly Level1 = new AEnum<T>(()=>new A<T>());
    public static readonly Level2 = new AEnum<T>(()=>new B<T>());
    public static readonly Level3 = new AEnum<T>(()=>new T3());

    protected AEnum(Func<A<T>> factoryMethod) { this.factoryMethod = factoryMethod; }

    public A<T> New() { return this.factoryMethod(); }

used like this:

public class DEnum : AEnum<D, C>


public static void Main()
    A<D> first = DEnum.Level1.New();
    A<D> second = DEnum.Level2.New();
    A<D> third = DEnum.Level3.New();

But then you could not mix enum types, since the above is type constrained to D .

Or you could do:

public class OpenAEnum<T, T3> : AEnum<T, T3> where T3 : B<T3>

public class CInt : B<int> {}
public class Cstring : B<string> {}


public static void Main()
    A<string> first = OpenAEnum<string, CString>.Level1.New();
    A<int> second = OpenAEnum<int, CInt>.Level2.New();
    A<D> third = OpenAEnum<D, C>.Level3.New();

What is it that you are trying to do?

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