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Pass javascript variable through ajax actionlink to load partial view

I am new to MVC and JQuery.

I have created one table with JQuery but I don't know how we add one actionlink in each row, and also, I need to call one partial view on the onclick event by passing the Java script variable to the partial view.

My code is given bellow:

function loadData(data) {

        var tab = $('<table class="myTable"></table>');
        var thead = $('<thead></thead>');

        $.each(data, function (i, val) {

            var trow = $('<tr></tr>');
            trow.append('<td>' + val.empID + '</td>');
            trow.append('<td>' +"" + '</td>');
            trow.append('<td>' + val.empName + '</td>');
            trow.append('<td>' + '@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = val.empID })' + '</td>');


here I got one error:

val is not in the current context

I checked a lot of similar post here and I understand one part of the code is run at the server (the Url.Action part) and the val.empID is only available once the code reaches the client browser.

but I need to load one partial view on click if there is any alternate way to do this......

You can't pass client-side JavaScript variable to Server Side Helper function.

As @Html.ActionLink create an anchor tag, you can create it programatically. Here's an example:

function loadData(data) {

    $.each(data, function(i, val) {
        //Create Static URL and use -1 as placeholder
        var url = '@Url.Action("actionName", "controllerName", new { id = -1 })';

        //replace the place holder with the value which you want
        url = url.replace('-1', val.empID);

        //Generate the anchor
        var anchor = '<a class="myClass" href="' + url + '">Edit</a>'

        //Append anchor
        trow.append('<td>' + anchor + '</td>');



$(document).on('click', '.myClass', function(evt) {

    //Code to load your partial view

You can't pass jquery variable to server control change your

trow.append('<td>' + '@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = val.empID })' + '</td>');


trow.append('<td>' + '<a href='#' class='preview' data-id='+val.empId+'></a>' + '</td>');

Add class in anchor tag preview and add one attribute data-id

$('#tbId').on("click", ".preview", function (e) {
        var id = $(this).attr("data-id");
        var url = '@Url.Action("Edit", "Edit")' + '/' + id;
        $.get(url, function (data) {
            if (data != "") {
                $('.preview-body').html(data); // it is my modal
                $('#myModal').modal("show"); // show preview in my modalbox

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