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Magento2 Not Found Error

Magento2 Not Found Error

When I'm click on further links then not found error occurs. Also when login into admin panel I'm also getting not found error.

First solve this by other solution if still not work just Run Command In Terminal

sudo a2enmod rewrite

sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (or open file manually in your editor)

Change below code


<Directory /var/www/>
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
     AllowOverride None
     Require all granted


<Directory "/var/www/html"> 
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks 
   AllowOverride All 
   Require all granted 

Then restart apache2 by following command

sudo service apache2 restart


I've faced the same problem and have just fixed it.

My solution is:

sudo -i #then enter your root password
chmod -R 777 <magento_installation_dir>/

You may have to restart apache2.

That's it.

Check your base URLs, you can also check that you've set AllowOverrides properly for Apache.


请启用 apache mod_rewrite。

Please open .htaccess file from root

Uncomment below line

SetEnv MAGE_MODE developer

Seems that Magento2 has to fix some problems, but you can make I dirty fix to work around these troubles. If you append "index.php" on your host-name resp. put it in between the hostname and the given request-uri you will come in the admin-panel and find other thinks. This is not a problem about the directive SetEnv MAGE_MODE developer in the .htaccess or enabling the rewrite_mod in the apache-conf or throw a .htaccess , I believe that you already have done all this thinks. Just check the "allow override - directive" in apache2 to allowed .htaccess during your development stuff, the rest should be enabled by default.

If you can call the admin-panel using my advice, you have to build a .htaccess with proper rewrite rules. Cheers.

What is the web server that you are using to install Magento2?

If you are using Apache2, please make sure you have right Apache permission. You can open this fine /etc/apache2/envvars with root permission (for Linux only)

Find and change following lines:

export APACHE_RUN_USER=your_linux_user
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=your_linux_group

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