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Access Plugin data from Functions.php

I'm trying to insert data from a wordpress post into a new table database table rather than WP_postmeta . My function is working, It'll insert the $postid no problem at all. The issues I'm having is I need to inser the latitude and longitude coordinates from Marty Spellerbergs 'Address Geocoder' Plugin.

On the plugin page which can be seen here https://wordpress.org/plugins/address-geocoder/ , Marty says you can access the cooridnates inside the loop using these:

<?php echo get_geocode_lng( $post->ID ); ?>
<?php echo get_geocode_lat( $post->ID ); ?>

Now I know being inside the functions.php file, we are not actually inside the lood, so I've tried lots of different ways of accessing this data but I just can't do it. Is there a way to edit those lines specified by Marty so they can be called in the functions?.

This is one of my many many attempts at this:

function save_lat_lng( $post_id )   
    global $wpdb;  

global $post;
$custom_lat = $_POST[get_geocode_lat( $post->ID )]; 
$custom_lng = $_POST[get_geocode_lng( $post->ID )];
// Check that we are editing the right post type  
if ( 'festival-event' != $_POST['post_type'] ) 

// Check if we have a lat/lng stored for this property already  
$check_link = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM lat_lng_post WHERE post_id = '" . $post_id . "'");  
if ($check_link != null)   
    // We already have a lat lng for this post. Update row  
        "lat" => $custom_lat,
        "lng" => $custom_lng 
    array( 'post_id' => $post_id ),   
    // We do not already have a lat lng for this post. Insert row  
        'post_id' => $post_id,  
        "lat" => $custom_lat,
        "lng" => $custom_lng
add_action( 'save_post', 'save_lat_lng' )

if you are passing post_id as parameter to function save_lat_lng i think that you should change that two lines:

$custom_lat = $_POST[get_geocode_lat( $post->ID )]; 
$custom_lng = $_POST[get_geocode_lng( $post->ID )];


$custom_lat = get_geocode_lat( $post_id ); 
$custom_lng = get_geocode_lng( $post_id );

to access that parameters.

also if you want to check post type you should change

if ( 'festival-event' != $_POST['post_type'] )


if ( 'festival-event' != get_post_type($post_id) )

docs below:


PS. next time you should paste link for plugin, it saves time :)


Coordinates were not available - problem was related to save_post hook priority value.

From plugin code i see that function updating post meta have that priority:

add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'save_post' ), 10, 2 );

so to run your hook after that, you should set something like that:

add_action( 'save_post', 'save_lat_lng', 100 );

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