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Best practise to search in MySQL result

Good day everyone. I am trying to find out what is the best way to search inside a select statement. I currently have the following select statement:

$sql_grn = "SELECT fl_voucher_no, fl_voucher_grn, tb_customers.fl_cust_name "
                    . "FROM tb_vouchers "
                    . "Join tb_customers on tb_vouchers.fl_voucher_customer = tb_customers.fl_cust_accno "
                    . "WHERE fl_voucher_grn LIKE  '%$grn%'";

This returns all the voucher numbers linked to the grn searched. They now want to have displayed the vouchers's status which is in another table.

I was thinking of putting another mysql query in the while loop:

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
                /*another mysql query here finding the status based on the voucher number*/
                echo "<tr><td>$row[fl_voucher_no]</td><td>$row[fl_voucher_grn]</td><td>$row[fl_cust_name]</td></tr>";

Is this the right way to do it or is there better way that is easier on the database or server?

Thank you so much

Ok so I used the join suggestion as follows:

SELECT fl_voucher_no, fl_voucher_grn, tb_customers.fl_cust_name, tb_accepted.fl_claim_status, tb_accepted.fl_date, tb_accepted.fl_rate FROM tb_vouchers
                        Join tb_customers on tb_vouchers.fl_voucher_customer = tb_customers.fl_cust_accno 
                        left Join tb_accepted ON tb_vouchers.fl_voucher_no = tb_accepted.fl_voucher
                        WHERE fl_voucher_grn LIKE '%$grn%'
                        Order by tb_accepted.fl_date desc"

Which then places the most recent interaction of that voucher at the top. Thank for all the help!

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