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How to pass data to containerview based on segmented control

I have the following setting, my ViewController has a segmented Control with 4 segments and two containerviews A and B with corresponding ViewControllers.

If the first segment is selected the containerView A is showed and B is hidden. If one of the other three is selected, B is shown and A hidden and the selected index is passed to the destination view controller of B using the prepareForSegue method. I want to handle the remaining cases there since only a plot will change in these 3 segments.

I thought I only need one viewcontroller for the 3 latter segments. But if the SegmentedControl changes, the prepare for segue method is not called anymore and I can't handle the different cases in the ViewController of B.. any ideas how to solve this?

I already tried to manually call the segue if the segmented control changed but that did not work.

Use this method:

-[segmentedControl addTarget:self

The UISegmentedControl object is passed as a target to the selector you choose, and you can then get the selected index off of that, and update your VC's accordingly.

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