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Call image src using jquery

I've got a image inside a div. Below is the current div structure.

<div id="imgHolder">
   <img class="smallthumb" src="imgHolder.png">

How can I call the image using jquery and get the same output as above?

I tried this:

$('#imgHolder').attr("src", "profile.png");

but then the final output is:

<div id="imgHolder" class="smallthumb" src="imgHolder.png"></div>

imgHolder is the ID of the div element so #imgHolder will refer to the div element that is why the src is getting added to the div element.

You need to find the image inside the div so you can use a descendant selector along with the id selector like

$('#imgHolder img').attr("src", "profile.png");

 $('button').click(function() { $('#imgHolder img').attr("src", "//placehold.it/64X64&text=profile"); }) 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="imgHolder"> <img class="smallthumb" src="//placehold.it/64X64&text=holder"> </div> <button>Change</button> 

You need to select the img to change the attribute of img .

$('#imgHolder img').attr("src", "profile.png");

As img is the direct child of div, you can also use the children > selector

$('#imgHolder>img').attr("src", "profile.png");


 $('#imgHolder > img').attr('src', 'profile.png'); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="imgHolder"> <img class="smallthumb" src="imgHolder.png"> </div> 


If you want to add image dynamically:

$('#imgHolder').html('<img src="http://img42.com/kzCbY+" />');



$('#imgHolder').find('img').attr("src", "profile.png");

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