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How to convert this date into a different format

Here is my Angular app

var filterData = angular.module('myApp',[]).controller('CallWebApi', function($scope, $http) {
    // Local version of the data
        success(function (data) {
            $scope.data = data.result.items;
            console.log('success ' + data)
        .error(function(data) {
            console.log('failure ' + data)
filterData.filter('removeSpacesThenLowercase', function () {
        return function (text) {
            var str = text.replace(/\s+/g, '-');
            return str.toLowerCase();

The date looks like this in my data:

        "{B588A80F-A8C0-4A97-A35A-07D81ED53E9B}": {
            "Name": "Expiration Date",
            "Type": "Date",
            "Value": "20150827T000000"

And here is my HTML:


    <tr ng-repeat="item in data">
        <td><a href="{{ item.Name | removeSpacesThenLowercase }}">{{ item.Fields["{BB2389F3-555B-4FC6-B106-C0A23A55A15F}"].Value }}</a></td>
        <td>{{ item.Fields["{123A77C7-07D5-4CAA-85E0-8F9B9CEE110C}"].Value }}</td>
        <td>{{ item.Fields["{B588A80F-A8C0-4A97-A35A-07D81ED53E9B}"].Value }}</td>


How do I convert this date:


Into this format:


This should work:

var d = '20150827T000000';
console.log(d.substr(4,2) + '/' + d.substr(6,2) + '/' + d.substr(0,4));
// will give you '08/27/2015'

I created a demo on how you can integrate this in angular: http://plnkr.co/edit/KheLKhLHgGYoF0R5CZgf?p=preview

You can create a filter:

myModule.filter('formatData', function () {
    return function (d) {
        return d.substr(4,2) + '/' + d.substr(6,2) + '/' + d.substr(0,4);

and then use it in your view:


and a fork that formats the data: http://plnkr.co/edit/EReUj4GkhGF36SS6RaX4?p=preview

you could try DateX an eXtension on built-in Date object (ps author)


var date = new DateX( );
var formatted = date.format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
var parsed = DateX.parse(formatted, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
console.log(parsed.format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

for your example one can parse it (and validatre it at the same time) into an actual date

var date = DateX.parse("20150827T000000", 'YmdHis');

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