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Run Background Task at specific time - Windows 10 App

I've searched a way to run a Background Task daily at a specific time, ex at at 12:00.

I've registered the BackgroundTask with a TimeTrigger, which unfortunately starts immediately after registering.

builder.SetTrigger(new TimeTrigger(24 * 60, false));

Is there a easier way, then checking every hour, if this is the right time of day?

Microsoft seems to avoid apps from triggering at a precise time, but you might be able to get close by calculating the number of minutes from the time the user registers the task to 12:00, then resubscribe another task from there set for 24*60 as you have. I'm unsure if Microsoft allows this within a Background task, but it's worth a shot.

Example of calculating the minutes to midnight for the task

var tommorowMidnight = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
var timeTilMidnight = tommorowMidnight - DateTime.Now;
var minutesTilMidnight = (uint)timeTilMidnight.TotalMinutes;
builder.SetTrigger(new TimeTrigger(minutesTilMidnight, true));

I've used this task wrapper to create something like this before and it fired everyday. Maybe this is what you are looking for.


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