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sendKeys(protractor.Key.Tab) is not working

I'm using protractor with Javascript. SendKeys(protractor.Key.TAB) is not tabbing out from the input field.

Below is the html tag input tag:

  <input class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid" type="text" placeholder="Add a new member" ng-blur="addMember()" ng-model="newMemberText"/>

Below is the protractor code snippet i wrote:

this.When(/^add member to registration$/, function () {
    var abc= element(by.model('newMemberText'));

I have even tried abc.sendKeys(KeyboardEvent.TAB) . Both of them are not working.



This sounds related to Keys.ENTER, Keys.TAB, Keys.SPACE are not working on Chrome 44 .

What you need to do:

  • update Chrome itself to the latest stable version
  • update chromedriver to the latest version

Or, if that does not solve your issue, you can always switch to Firefox.

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