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Send data from python script to socket.io server

I have the following problem:

I hava a python script and a socket.io server running on my machine. Now, I want to pass Data fom the python script to the Server and the client. At the moment, I am using the following:


  fs.watchFile('position.txt', function (curr, prev) { //console.log('the current mtime is: ' + curr.mtime); //console.log('the previous mtime was: ' + prev.mtime); io.emit('positionswechsel', curr.mtime); //need the content of the file here }); 


def my_callback2(channel):
print "falling edge detected on 18"

In this solution, I see a very high latency between the event (writing file) and the reaction of my server.

Now, I thought there should be a way to directly pass information from the python script to the server/client (I want to see the change on the webpage).

Yan anybody please help me?


There is already a socket.io 1.0 client for Python .

If that doesn't work for you for whatever reason, you could always just establish a plain TCP connection (or use a UNIX socket) between the two processes and transfer newline-delimited JSON from Python to node, which then gets emitted to connection socket.io clients in some form or another.

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