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How to render application.html.erb in a Rails app?

How can I render the application.html.erb view in a rails app?

I've tried adding a method to the application_controller.rb controller:

def amethod

And then updating the routes.rb file:

get '/', to: 'application#amethod'

to no avail. I get this error message:

Missing template application/amethod with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :coffee, :jbuilder]}. Searched in: * "/Users/peterward/Directory/mini-project/app/views"

It's looking for the html.erb view in the app/views directory instead of the app/views/layouts directory.

How can I change this?

Rails is looking for a file named views/amethod.html.erb , the layout that you're using application.html.erb is not meant to hold the view for your controller action. The layout will yield to the controller action named view.

I suggest you read Rail's render and layout guide.

The quickest solution to solving your error would be to create a blank file: app/views/amethod.html.erb

However, this does not really address your problem, because I doubt you really just want to render a layout.

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