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CodeIgniter controller functions not triggered

In CodeIgniter, my url someurl.com/test/ will not execute anything inside the controller class. Please take a look and tell me if there's something you can think of that might prevent the execution of the CI_Controller here or where I should look.

For example the following


all show:

Above class
Below class

EDIT: I believe my issue is with how I'm trying to run two separate applications. One is at testurl.com and the other is some.testurl.com where the directory for some.testurl.com is a subfolder of the directory where testurl.com is held. What's the right way to do this that they both work?

Update: Moving the subdomain outside the other CodeIgniter application's directory hasn't changed the behavior in any way. The CodeIgniter controller does not do anything.

Here's my code:

if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
    exit('No direct script access allowed');

    echo "Above class<br>";

    class Test extends CI_Controller {
    public function __construct() {

//443 replace with 482
    function index() {
        echo "Index function";

    function hi($name)
        echo "Hi".$name."!";

echo "Below class<br>";

Here's my .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|assets|common|ico|database_backup|images|img|js|scripts|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
  1. Error reporting is enabled already and no errors are triggered. Environment is defined as development on the index file.

This may be a mod_rewrite issue. Check your php info to see if the module is installed and running on the apache server.

If there is, check you httpd.conf file at <Directory "C:/PATH/TO/YOUR/APP"> directive, where it should exist AllowOverride All .

A missing curly bracket in database.php broke the whole application without triggering an error message. I'm sorry because no one could ever guess it. It's not the type of error I expected to cause this problem because I verified that environment was development and I triggered lots of other errors in my quest to fix this.

If someone else runs into this, just know it could be a simple error in any of the config files.

Thanks everyone.

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