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reading csv file from R

I am new to R and want to read a csv file. But I got error when I try to read it. My csv file are as follow:


And when I use this command in RStudio I got error: Command:

> tb = read.csv("/home/hossein/Documents/LiClipse Workspace/test.csv", row.names = 1);


Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed

I also try to remove the error and use this command:

 > tb = read.csv("/home/hossein/Documents/LiClipse Workspace/test.csv", row.names = NULL);

but when i view the output is that it can not keep the structure of the square matrix. Could you help me what should I do?

R do not support duplicated row names, see ?row.names :

All data frames have a row names attribute, a character vector of length the number of rows with no duplicates nor missing values.

Given this, you can import your data then make row names unique with the function make.names . This is a bit ugly, but I think it solves your problem. See the example below with the data you provided.

table <- read.csv("data.csv", row.names = NULL)

### Save row names in a separte object:
rows <- table$X

### Remove the colunm with row.names:
table <- table[,-1]

### Create unique Row.names with the function `make.names`
rownames(table) <- make.names(rows, unique=TRUE)

### Check results:
#> [1] 15 15
#>             Zbot Sirefef Fareit Winwebsec FakeSysdef Winwebsec.1
#> Zbot           0     134     45       651        182         245
#> Sirefef      142       0    124       679        200         273
#> Fareit        48     124      0       644        166         234
#> Winwebsec    651     499    470         0        575         556
#> FakeSysdef   178     172    143       535          0         311
#> Winwebsec.1  245     199    168       478        229           0
#>             Winwebsec.2 Winwebsec.3 Fareit.1 Fareit.2 Sirefef.1
#> Zbot                986          64       63       34       134
#> Sirefef            1018         156      125      122       164
#> Fareit              978          82       64       51       135
#> Winwebsec          1087         525      490      485       501
#> FakeSysdef         1052         196      163      152       204
#> Winwebsec.1         997         217      186      183       199
#>             Winwebsec.4 Winwebsec.5 Winwebsec.6 Winwebsec.7
#> Zbot                166          52         337         225
#> Sirefef             198         120         371         257
#> Fareit              167          49         338         224
#> Winwebsec           511         483         600         582
#> FakeSysdef          234         154         405         285
#> Winwebsec.1         209         183         348         272
#>             Zbot Sirefef Fareit Winwebsec FakeSysdef Winwebsec.1
#> Sirefef      142                                                
#> Fareit        48     124                                        
#> Winwebsec    651     499    470                                 
#> FakeSysdef   178     172    143       535                       
#> Winwebsec.1  245     199    168       478        229            
#> Winwebsec.2  986     752    719       821        784         727
#> Winwebsec.3   80     160     85       506        179         204
#> Fareit.1      65      95     32       468        141         164
#> Fareit.2      52     122     51       468        143         166
#> Sirefef.1    136     118     85       449        150         147
#> Winwebsec.4  164     138    105       449        170         145
#> Winwebsec.5   52     116     51       466        143         166
#> Winwebsec.6  335     267    234       496        301         246
#> Winwebsec.7  225     204    171       519        228         217
#>             Winwebsec.2 Winwebsec.3 Fareit.1 Fareit.2 Sirefef.1
#> Sirefef                                                        
#> Fareit                                                         
#> Winwebsec                                                      
#> FakeSysdef                                                     
#> Winwebsec.1                                                    
#> Winwebsec.2                                                    
#> Winwebsec.3         757                                        
#> Fareit.1            715          78                            
#> Fareit.2            717          68       40                   
#> Sirefef.1           696         123       83       83          
#> Winwebsec.4         696         143      103      103        80
#> Winwebsec.5         717          66       42       32        83
#> Winwebsec.6         745         272      232      234       213
#> Winwebsec.7         774         207      169      169       150
#>             Winwebsec.4 Winwebsec.5 Winwebsec.6
#> Sirefef                                        
#> Fareit                                         
#> Winwebsec                                      
#> FakeSysdef                                     
#> Winwebsec.1                                    
#> Winwebsec.2                                    
#> Winwebsec.3                                    
#> Fareit.1                                       
#> Fareit.2                                       
#> Sirefef.1                                      
#> Winwebsec.4                                    
#> Winwebsec.5         103                        
#> Winwebsec.6         213         234            
#> Winwebsec.7         160         169         291

You can do this in a few simple steps as follows:

d = read.csv('path/to/test.csv') # import the data
row.names(d) = make.unique(as.character(d[, 1])) # create the row names from the first column
d = d[, -1] # remove the first column now that you don't need it anymore

This maintains your square matrix:

dim(d) # still a 15x15 matrix

第一行以空白字段开头,因此使用skip = 1参数可能会很方便,可能是因为read.csv无法将输入函数理解为矩形数组。

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