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sendSubviewToBack does not work for a view created from xib

I have two views, one is created from interface builder, and the other is programmatically created.

What I want to do is to bring programmatically-created view to forward. But xib-created view is always displayed on the first. In viewDidLoad, I'm using sendSubviewToBack: to do this, but it seems this code doesn't work.

Some might say that I should create these views only by xib (or only by code). But I don't want to do so.

Is there a good solution to achieve this?

Your thoughts and help will be hugely appreciated.

Most likely your problem is that you calling sendSubviewToBack: with a view that is not a direct subview of the receiver.

The sendSubviewToBack: / bringSubviewToFront: methods work for direct subviews of a view. So if you a view hierarchy like this:

  B - D
  C - E

(B and C are both subviews of A; B has a subview D, C has a subview E)

then you can do [A sendSubviewToBack:C] , but you cannot do [A sendSubviewToBack:E] .

See also my answer to an old question that might help you .

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