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Powershell: Error wieth Set-ADUser

I'm attempting to write a script that checks an AD OU for any accounts that are enabled, or set to not have a password required, or password never to expire, or not set to be hidden from the address list. Then, the script will disable any of those for security purposes. Here's the script so far:

Function Update-ADUser 
    Set-ADUser -instance $user -Server dc01 

$lostUsers = Get-ADUser -filter {PasswordNotRequired -eq $true -or PasswordNeverExpires -eq $true -or Enabled -eq $true -or msExchHideFromAddressLists -eq $false } -SearchBase "OU=Lost Users,OU=DEPT,DC=School,DC=edu" -Server dc01  -properties enabled, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordNotRequired, msExchHideFromAddressLists
foreach ($user in $lostUsers)
        if ($user.PasswordNotRequired -eq $true)
            $user.PasswordNotRequired = $false

        if ($user.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $true)
            $user.PasswordNeverExpires = $false
        if ($user.msExchHideFromAddressLists -ne $true  )
            $user.msExchHideFromAddressLists = $true
        if ($user.Enabled -eq $true)
            $user.Enabled = $false
        Update-ADUser -user $user

Most of the script runs fine. $lostUsers creates an array that uses Get-ADUser to search for only records that have one of the attributes required. Then my foreach/if statements set each attribute to what is should be for each record.

My problem occurs when I call the Update-ADUser function. I keep getting an error, Set-ADUser : The instance parameter object must be of type: 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser'.

I tried removing the [string] from [string]$user in the function but that gives me another error, Set-ADUser : The server is unwilling to process the request. I'm using an domain admin account to run the script, so I know that's not causing this error.

I could use Set-ADUser in each if statement, instead of calling the Update-ADUser function, but that doesn't seem efficient as the script is then making up to four changes per record instead of just one with the function. I also thought about just using one statement to change all four attributes for all the found records, but that seems inefficient as well since some attributes were already correctly set and would thus just be written over again.

I can't figure out why the Set-ADUser command isn't working. I basically copied the syntax from the Set-ADUser help. Can anyone enlighten me on this?

Dunno what I'm missing here but wouldn't replacing the line (at the very end of your foreach)

Update-ADUser -user $user


Set-ADUser -instance $user -Server dc01

...do exactly what you want?

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