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How to call a JS function from rails form submit

I want to call a JS function when a button in my Rails form is clicked. The function is defined in the .js.erb file found below.

When I click the button, Chrome's JS console throws the following error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: logTime is not defined

I know this means it can't find the function, but I don't see why. Especially since I added <%= javascript_include_tag "track.js.erb" %> to the file. Any ideas?

Apologies up-front, but my Google-fu yielded no results.


<div id="countdown-timer"></div>
<div id="playback-button">&#9658;</div>
<div id="track-time-form">
    <%= form_for @project, :url => { :action => "log_time" }, remote: true do |p| %>
            <li><%= p.label :project, "Project:"%><br>
            <%= p.collection_select(:id, current_user.projects, :id, :name) %></li>

            <%= p.hidden_field :time_logged, :value => 0 %> <!-- value set by script in log_time.js.erb -->

            <li><%= p.submit "Log time", id: "log-time-button", :onclick => "logTime()" %></li>
    <% end %>

The function the handler is calling can be found here:


//initialise form 
timeTrackingForm = window.open("", "", "height=700,width=500");
$(timeTrackingForm.document.body).html("<%= j render( :partial => 'track_time_form' ) %>");

//assign variables 
var timer = $("#countdown-timer", $(timeTrackingForm.document));
var playbackControls = $("#playback-button", $(timeTrackingForm.document));
var form = $("#track-time-form", $(timeTrackingForm.document));
var formUl = $("#track-time-form ul", $(timeTrackingForm.document));
var formLi = $("#track-time-form li", $(timeTrackingForm.document));
var logTimeButton = $("#log-time-button", $(timeTrackingForm.document));
var timerPaused;

//initialise timer 
    $(playbackControls).click(function() {

function initialiseTimer() {
        format: '%H:%M:%S'
    timerPaused = true;

function style() {
    $(timer).css({'color':'black','font-size':'50px', 'margin':'auto', 'width':'180px'});
    $(playbackControls).css({'color':'#290052', 'font-size':'50px', 'margin':'auto', 'width':'55px'});
    $(formLi).css({'margin':'0 0 25px 0','font-sizeL':'18px','font-family':'Arial'});

function playOrPause() {
    if (timerPaused == true) {
        timerPaused = false;
    else {
        timerPaused = true;

function logTime() {
    var secondsTracked = $(timer).data('seconds');

For any future readers interested in the solution, here's how I got around the issue (huge thanks to the helpful commenters above).

I added an event listener to the form in track.js.erb , which is triggered when the button is clicked (but before the form actually submits and sends data to the controller). Here it is:

var actual_form = $("#new_project", $(timeTrackingForm.document));

        timerPaused = true;
        var secondsTracked = $(timer).data('seconds');

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