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How to make width 100% of browser in a div?

I basically have a contents div which is set to a width of 1000. In my contents div, I also have a footer div. WHen i set the footer div to width:100%, then the footer width will be as large as the contents div. How do I make my footer scale to 100% of my browser window if it is already in a div?

Better move footer out from container.

But if you really need this, there is work, but fragile solution:

    position: static;

All parents to element with 100% width must be static. And this can break something else, because position: relative is often useful.

    position: relative;

And footer itself:

    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0

Add, paddings, margins, salt and pepper by you taste.

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9rjskuon/

You can always use "vw" instead of % ( http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp )
so at the end you can use

    width: 100vw;

and then position it wherewer you need, but you shouldnt need this for footer. firstly you should place your footer out of your wrapper.

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