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how to display categories,sub categories and sub sub categories - codeigniter

My categories table design is as follows


I have three levels of category

  1. parent
  2. child
  3. sub child

How to display them in the following manner ?


(SELECT * FROM categories) : i get the following array as below

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [category_id] => 1
            [category_slug] => 
            [category_glyphicon] => live glypicon
            [category_name] => Live
            [is_parent] => 0
            [is_child] => 0
            [is_sub_child] => 0
            [rf_flag] => 0
            [status] => 1
            [category_description] => 
            [created_on] => 2015-09-04 10:47:54
            [updated_on] => 2015-09-05 22:48:01

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [category_id] => 2
            [category_slug] => 
            [category_glyphicon] => dddd
            [category_name] => work
            [is_parent] => 0
            [is_child] => 0
            [is_sub_child] => 0
            [rf_flag] => 0
            [status] => 1
            [category_description] => 
            [created_on] => 2015-09-04 11:41:18
            [updated_on] => 2015-09-04 11:11:18

    [2] => stdClass Object
            [category_id] => 3
            [category_slug] => 
            [category_glyphicon] => mmm
            [category_name] => enjoy
            [is_parent] => 0
            [is_child] => 0
            [is_sub_child] => 0
            [rf_flag] => 0
            [status] => 1
            [category_description] => 
            [created_on] => 2015-09-04 11:41:52
            [updated_on] => 2015-09-04 11:12:51

    [3] => stdClass Object
            [category_id] => 4
            [category_slug] => 
            [category_glyphicon] => mmm
            [category_name] => for sale
            [is_parent] => 1
            [is_child] => 0
            [is_sub_child] => 0
            [rf_flag] => 0
            [status] => 1
            [category_description] => 
            [created_on] => 2015-09-04 11:42:59
            [updated_on] => 2015-09-04 11:12:59

    [4] => stdClass Object
            [category_id] => 5
            [category_slug] => 
            [category_glyphicon] => ccccc
            [category_name] => for rent
            [is_parent] => 1
            [is_child] => 0
            [is_sub_child] => 0
            [rf_flag] => 0
            [status] => 1
            [category_description] => 
            [created_on] => 2015-09-05 12:13:48
            [updated_on] => 2015-09-04 11:43:48

    [5] => stdClass Object
            [category_id] => 6
            [category_slug] => 
            [category_glyphicon] => sss
            [category_name] => villas
            [is_parent] => 4
            [is_child] => 1
            [is_sub_child] => 0
            [rf_flag] => 0
            [status] => 1
            [category_description] => 
            [created_on] => 2015-09-05 12:14:57
            [updated_on] => 2015-09-04 11:44:57


try the following code
I assumed you have mysqli db connection

 //assuming db connction with mysqli

 $res=$db->query("select * from categories");
   echo "<table>";
   echo "<tr>";
     echo "<td>A</td><td>B</td><td>C</td><td>D</td>";
   echo "</tr>";
   $index = 1;
   while( $row = $res->fetch_array()){

       echo "<td>".$index."</td>";        

          echo "<td>".$row['category_name']."</td>";        
          echo "<td>0</td>";        
          echo "<td>0</td>";        
       }else if($row['is_child']>0){
          echo "<td>0</td>";      
          echo "<td>".$row['category_name']."</td>";          
          echo "<td>0</td>";        
       }else if($row['is_sub_child']>0){
          echo "<td>0</td>";        
          echo "<td>0</td>";        
          echo "<td>".$row['category_name']."</td>";        

    echo "</table>";
      echo $db->error;

I got the output

public function get_dt_data()
            // data is loading into $list
            $list = $this->category1_model->get_datatables();

            foreach($list as $k){

            //echo '<pre>';print_r($list);echo'</pre>';;
            //echo '<pre>';print_r($parenrarray);echo'</pre>';exit();

            $data = array();
            $no = $_POST['start'];
            foreach ($list as $p) {
                $row = array();

                $row[] = "<input type='checkbox'  class='deleteRow' value='".$row['category_id']."'  /> #".$no ;
                $row[] = $p->category_id;

                // DISPLAY TABLE HIERARCHY ----
                $y=($p->is_parent !=0)?$parenrarray[$p->is_parent]:$p->category_name;
                $x=$p->is_child !=0 ?$parenrarray[$p->is_child]:($p->is_parent !=0 ?$p->category_name:'0');
                $z=$p->is_child !=0 ?$p->category_name:'0';

                $row[] = "<a href='".base_url()."admin/category/level1/$p->category_name'>".$y.'</a>';
                $row[] = "<a href='".base_url()."admin/category/level1/$p->category_name'>".$x.'</a>';
                $row[] = "<a href='".base_url()."admin/category/level1/$p->category_name'>".$z.'</a>';

                //  DATA ACTIONS-------
                $row[] = '<a class="btn btn-xs btn-primary" href="javascript:void()" title="Edit" onclick="edit_person('."'".$p->category_id."'".')">
                      <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i> Edit</a>
                      <a class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" href="javascript:void()" title="Hapus" onclick="delete_person('."'".$p->category_id."'".')">
                      <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> Delete</a>';
                $data[] = $row;   


            $output = array(
                            "draw" => $_POST['draw'],
                            "recordsTotal" => $this->categories->count_all(),
                            "recordsFiltered" => $this->categories->count_filtered(),
                            "data" => $data,
            //output to json format
            echo json_encode($output);

multi-level categories feature supposed to follow recursive concept. Here is an example with codeigniter


public function get_categories(){

    $this->db->where('parent_id', 0);

    $parent = $this->db->get();

    $categories = $parent->result();
    foreach($categories as $p_cat){

        $categories[$i]->sub = $this->sub_categories($p_cat->cat_id);
    return $categories;

public function sub_categories($id){

    $this->db->where('parent_id', $id);

    $child = $this->db->get();
    $categories = $child->result();
    foreach($categories as $p_cat){

        $categories[$i]->sub = $this->sub_categories($p_cat->cat_id);
    return $categories;       

by calling this (controller)

public function categories(){

    $data = $this->model_categories->get_categories();


Here is an official codeigniter forum thread for https://forum.codeigniter.com/thread-69149.html

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