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Angularjs Binding Problems for dynamically created elements

I'm trying to bind a <p> with an <input> in my application, but it is not happening. since both elements are dynamically created, I thought maybe I can use $apply, but it didn't work out. everything else is functioning as expected except for this.

My code is a bit complicated, so here is a plunker to demonstrate my situation.


<body ng-app="tata" ng-controller="mainController">
    <div id="main">
      <div ng-controller="ctrl1">
        <button ng-click="changeCard()">Add Dynamic Bound Elements </button>
        <page id="front" size="A4"></page>
        <div id="detailsFront"></div>

The elements are generated using 2 functions, on for INPUT and the other for P. Here is where the input s are placed:

<div id="detailsFront">         

and here where the p s are placed:

<page size="A4" id="front">

The controller responsible for this view has 2 functions which are run successively in the same $scope function. Populating <p> s:

 buildPDF : function (parentElement){
      var element = angular.element(document.getElementById( parentElement ));
      ele = "<p ng-bind='id7'> Test Run </p>";


Then the input s:

buildPDFControllers : function (parentElement){
          var element = angular.element(document.getElementById( parentElement ));
      ele = "<label for='id7'>Some Label</label> <input name='id7' type='text' ng-model='id7'>";

You must always $compile new elements.


<body ng-app="tata">
  <div ng-controller="ctrl1">
    <page id="front"></page>


var app = angular.module('tata', [])

  .controller('ctrl1', function ($scope, $compile) {
    $scope.id = 'some id here';

    var element = angular.element(document.getElementById('front'));
    var p = '<p ng-bind="id">Test Run</p>'; // <- will be bound/replaced with $scope.id


But maybe you'd be better off using directives instead? Consider:

HTML template

<body ng-app="cards" ng-controller="Ctrl">
  <button ng-click="addCard()">Add Card</button>
  <div ng-repeat="card in cards">
    <card ng-model="card"></card>  



  .controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.cards = [];

    $scope.addCard = function() {
      var next = $scope.cards.length + 1; 
      $scope.cards.push({id: next, label: next});

  .directive('card', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      require: 'ngModel',
      scope: {
        ngModel: '='
      template: '<p>Directive model: {{ ngModel | json }}</p>' +
                '<label>Label: </label>' + 
                '<input name="{{ ngMode.id }}" ' + 
                '       type="text" ' +
                '       ng-model="ngModel.label">',
      link: function(scope) {


You'd probably be better off using directives for this - and you might not even need to roll your own. Have a look at ng-include : it lets you switch which HTML template to use based on a variable in your scope. Something like:

inputText-view.html :

<p ng-style="style">{{value.content}}</p>

page.html :

<page size="A4" id="front" style="position: absolute, top:0px, left:0px">
        ng-repeat="value in values"
        src="value.type + '-view.html'"></ng-include>

See here for a demo .

Here's another demo based on your plunk .

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